Privacy Policy

Cavendish Hydrogen ASA ("we") processes personal data for the following purposes:


Customer relationship management (CRM)

Cavendish Hydrogen ASA processes the personal data it collects primarily for the purpose of delivering and producing those services which the person has subscribed to or ordered, or which the person has registered for as a user. The personal data is processed for the management and analysis of the relationship with the customer – or some other appropriate connection – along with the production of services, business development and planning, as well as opinion and market research and customer communication, which may also be implemented digitally and in a targeted manner.



We may also process the personal data it collects for marketing purposes, provided that the person in question has given their consent to this or, in certain cases, has not separately forbidden it. The person has, at any time, the right to withdraw their consent for the use of their data in marketing purposes either by using the contact details provided in this Privacy Statement or by exercising the opt-out possibility given in the marketing communications (such as a ‘Unsubscribe’ link).

We does not sell or disclose the personal data it processes to third parties for the marketing purposes of these parties, unless the person in question has given their separate consent to this. Cavendish Hydrogen ASA's marketing measures carried out on behalf of other controllers in its capacity as a processor for these controllers are described below.


The provision of personal data to Cavendish Hydrogen ASA is not primarily a condition for the agreement or the delivery of services. If this is nevertheless the case and we cannot, for instance, implement the services you have ordered without your personal data, the provision of this data is separately indicated as being required. A failure to provide such data, indicated as required, may prevent us from delivering the services you have ordered or limit their delivery to a considerable degree.


Personal data subject to processing

Cavendish Hydrogen ASA may process the following personal data, among others, for the purposes of customer relationship management and marketing: first name, last name, company name and email. 

We use cookies on our website to gain a better understanding of the kind of content visitors to our pages are interested in. Cookies are small text files which a browser saves on the user’s terminal device. Cookies include an anonymous unique identifier which allows us to identify and count the various browsers visiting on our pages. Cookies do not move about on the network on their own; rather, they are placed on a user’s terminal device only on a website called up by the user. Only the server which sent the cookie can subsequently read and use it. Cookies or other technologies do not harm users’ terminal devices or files, nor can cookies be employed in the use of programs or the spread of malware.

You can block cookies or remove them from use or manage them in other ways through your browser settings. It is nevertheless advisable to note that blocking the use of cookies may have an effect on some of the website’s functionalities and that, following the block, you may not necessarily be able to take advantage of all the features on our website


Contact Us

If you have any comments or questions regarding our Privacy Statement or if you are concerned about the protection of your privacy or the use of your personal data, or if you suspect that your privacy has been infringed, please send a message to