H2Core - Hydrogen Station Module

Compression, Conditioning & Controls

H2Core module, designed for light and medium-duty vehicles (cars, buses and trucks), integrates the control unit, hydrogen compressor, regulation and conditioning equipment to ensure safe and efficient fueling. H2Core has successfully delivered over 2,500 tons of hydrogen through approximately 100 operational units.


  • Three different compressor configurations 
  • Three different cooling system configurations

Cavendish’s standard products are tailored and combined to create customized hydrogen fueling solutions.

That ensures project specific needs are met efficiently and effectively.

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Key benefits


The module design complies with the IEC-61511 functional safety standard, featuring a dedicated safety instrumented system equipped with its own sensors and actuators to provide an independent safety layer. Key safety features include:

  • Hydrogen detection and monitored ventilation to mitigate risks from potential leaks.
  • Smoke and fire detectors for early hazard identification.
  • Safety software and hardware designed to prevent issues such as overpressure, overtemperature, leaks, and other critical operational anomalies.
Less than 1 kg of hydrogen  in the process equipment within the compartment during normal operation and less than 10 g of hydrogen after safety shut shown.


  • Global Monitoring System (GMS): Operational data since 2015 providing valuable insights for component statistics and predictive maintenance.
  • High-Resolution Time Series Data: GMS capturing critical process data with resolutions up to 100 datapoints per second. 
  • Edge Devices enabling faster processing for tasks such as hydraulic measurements during compression cycles.
  • Vibration Sensors: Continuously monitoring operations to detect and address potential issues early.

User Experience:

  • With dimensions of 2200x3300 mm, this module boasts the smallest footprint in the industry relative to its capacity.
  • Simple inspection and maintenance work on the roof are possible due to integrated fall down protection.